Journal Abbreviation : D&T
Frequency : Biannually
Doi Prefix : 10.46577/DAT.
Year of Launching : 2020
Publisher : Department of Dance Theory, School of Dance,
Korea National University of Arts
About D&T more
Dance and Theory (D&T) is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal for dance scholarship, published by the Department of Dance Theory, School of Dance, Korea National University of Arts. Reflecting our department’s interdisciplinary approach and wide range of subjects, including aesthetics, anthropology, history, science, and arts management, Dance and Theory aims to engage with academic debates on dance and address cross-disciplinary research with a dance perspective. In so doing, the journal intends to stimulate dance discourses across its artistic, educational, and theoretical fields.
General Guidelines
1. Manuscripts can be written in Korean or English.
2. Authors should download and use the template file to prepare their manuscript. Manuscripts should be created with the template download from our website: Template for MS Word, HWP.
3. We use American Psychological Association 6th edition style for citation and referencing.
4. Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title; Author’s name and Affiliation; main text; references; abstract; keywords.
5. manuscripts should indicate the corresponding author’s name, university, department and status.
6. Tables and figures should be drawn clearly and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (ex: Table 1, Figure 1) along with a title or description.
7. The abstract in English should not exceed 150 words and have 5 keywords.
Style Guidelines
1. Footnotes should be used only when necessary and numbered consecutively throughout the text in Arabic numerals.
2. APA in-text citations consist of the author's last name, publication year and, if applicable, page numbers.
3. All references cited in the text must appear in the References section and listed in order of the Korean Alphabet (ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ) and foreign authors in order of the Roman alphabet (A, B, C).
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (yyyy). Title of the book chapter: Subtitle. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of the book: Subtitle (pp. ####–####). Location: Publisher Name.
Author, A. A. (yyyy). Title of the book: Subtitle (A. A. Editor, Ed.; A. A. Translator, Trans.). Location: Publisher Name. (Original work published yyyy)
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodicals, XX(X), pp-pp.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location.
Author, A. A. (yyyy, Month dd). Title of the webpage: Subtitle. Publisher Name. Retrieved Month dd, yyyy, from https://UR
Updated December 18th, 2019